for a better understanding of the surgical anatomy of the distal tibia

Mathieu Assal, Richard Stern, Adrien Ray and Miquel Dalmau have produced a magnificent opus that will prove invaluable to all surgeons seriously interested in fractures involving the distal tibia and the tibio-talar joint, better known as Pilon fractures.

With the roadmap provided by this team of experienced and specialized trauma surgeons many traps and shortcomings may be avoided. Pilon fractures are daunting for many reasons: The three-dimensional osseous anatomy is difficult to comprehend in its entirety; the vascular anatomy is intimidating with the viability of the foot depending on three arterial trees; the soft tissue coverage is tenuous at best with only the overlying skin as protection; and also because of the intricacy of the anatomy of the peripheral nerves. To overcome these challenges the authors have provided not only crystal-clear illustrations of the complex anatomy, but also limpid and surgically relevant concepts indispensable for a successful operation. The authors are to be commended for the painstaking labor that went into the production of the highly detailed dissections which are so perfectly photographed. As never seen before, the detail rendering is amazing. The quality of the photography is so remarkable that every fiber of every ligament and tendon stands out in high definition.

Mathieu Assal and his co-authors have achieved an unbelievable “Tour de force” with this unique volume. It should be mandatory reading and studying for any surgeon faced with the prospect of caring for a patient with a Pilon fracture necessitating surgical intervention.

– Prof. Pierre J. Hoffmeyer


112 pages hardcover
208 × 265mm (~8×10")

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